Build America Mutual Hosts Bloomberg Radio Special Report on Municipal Finance
On November 30th, Bloomberg Radio’s Bloomberg Markets program broadcast from Build America Mutual’s headquarters in New York, focusing on the challenges the US faces in meeting its infrastructure investment needs. The program featured interviews with various municipal market professionals who discussed a wide range of topics, from how issuers can manage their existing infrastructure budgets more efficiently to the fact that the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act now pending in Congress may actually reduce capital investment in infrastructure by eliminating certain categories of tax-exempt bonds.
As part of our ongoing initiatives to expand public awareness of the importance of the municipal bond market to US infrastructure finance — and improve investor acceptance of municipal bonds, including BAM-insured securities — we are providing links to all of the interviews from the broadcast. We encourage you to listen and share with your colleagues, clients, and anyone else committed to improving US infrastructure.
The municipal bond market is the best option for raising capital to meet new infrastructure needs
Seán McCarthy and Bob Cochran, Build America Mutual
Local governments are “where the rubber meets the road” on infrastructure investments
Clarence Anthony, National League of Cities
Eliminating advance refundings in tax reform will deny issuers “extraordinary” savings
Ben Watkins, State of Florida
Increasing U.S. infrastructure investment requires a focus on funding solutions, not financing tools
Chris Hamel, RBC Capital Markets
The “bottom-up” approach to disaster recovery
Kent Hiteshew, Former Director, US Treasury Office of State and Local Finance
The full broadcast is also available as a podcast here (choose the November 30, 2017 edition).
About Build America Mutual
Headquartered in New York, BAM is a mutual bond insurance company operated for the benefit of its members –cities, states and other municipal entities – that use BAM’s financial guaranty to lower their cost of borrowing. BAM is sponsored by the National League of Cities. Through December 1, BAM has insured more than $40 billion of municipal securities and delivered more than $600 million in present-value savings to more than 2,700 members nationwide. For more information, please contact: Michael Stanton, Head of Corporate Strategy and Communications 212-235-2575;