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BAM GreenStar Expands to Serve More Muni Issuers

Build America Mutual, the only mutual municipal bond insurer, today announced an expansion of its BAM GreenStar verification program for transactions that align with the International Capital Markets Association’s Green Bond Principles. BAM will now verify any green bond transaction by an existing BAM member-issuer, regardless of whether it is insured, and will also streamline the continuing reporting requirements for participating issuers. In addition, BAM and the Nasdaq Sustainable Bond Network announced that BAM GreenStar-verified bonds will be eligible for inclusion on Nasdaq’s global platform for green bonds.

A Letter from BAM’s CEO

Recent events have driven home the reality that prejudice and discrimination continues to create inequities in the U.S. and stands in the way of building safe, healthy, and productive communities. Build America Mutual believes that any form of discrimination or inequity is intolerable.

Dan Bingham to Join BAM as Head of Institutional Markets

Build America Mutual, the leading municipal-only bond insurer, announced that Dan Bingham will join BAM’s capital markets team in the newly-created role of Head of Institutional Markets. He will focus on expanding demand for BAM-insured bonds from financial institutions, including major investors and broker-dealers, particularly through secondary-market insurance transactions.

BAM Announces Q2 2019 Statutory Financial Results

Build America Mutual published its financial results for the second quarter of 2019, showing that BAM insured $2.9 billion par during the period and posted continued growth in par outstanding and claims-paying resources.

BAM Publishes White Paper on Analyzing Pension Funding Policy

Understanding the potential impact of unfunded pension liabilities on a municipal bond issuer’s credit quality requires analyzing both the amount of the liability and whether the issuer has an adequate plan for closing that gap.

BAM Joins the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York (FHLBNY)

NEW YORK, June 17, 2019 – Build America Mutual today announced that it has been accepted as a member of the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York, becoming the first municipal bond insurer to join the FHLB System. Membership will expand BAM’s financial flexibility by providing access to reliable liquidity at a low cost, and supports BAM’s mission of providing durable credit enhancement for its municipal bond issuer- members who finance essential public infrastructure across the U.S.